In 1930, the quintet known as The Westerners included Louise, Curt and Allen Massey, Milton Mabie, and Larry Wellington, who had replaced Henry Massey. Louise, with her flamboyant Spanish-style costumes, became the focal point of the act and received lead billing. The Westerners' first radio performance was on KMBC in Kansas City. They moved to WLS Radio in Chicago in 1933. In 1934, the song "When the White Azaleas Start Blooming" was released by the band and sold three million copies. In 1936, they moved to New York, where they continued their radio work on NBC. In 1938, Louise Massey and the Westerners appeared in the Tex Ritter film Where the Buffalo Roam. The group returned to WLS Radio in 1939 and did a morning broadcast on NBC called Reveille Roundup.In the early 1940s, the Westerners were "well known for numerous radio appearances" and were appearing on Plantation Party broadcasts three nights a week. (from wikipedia)
Samstag, 6. April 2024
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